Yesterday evening in the Welch/Holloway lounge, president Weisbuch held an intimate meeting with students. An interesting and enlightening conversation was had. The president wanted feed back from the student body (with out the middle man we call the SGA), and that is exactly what he got. Many topics were discuss over pizza, soda and chips.
One student brought up the topic of making a stronger effort to bring more well known bands to come play at Drew. Weisbuch was seemingly very interested. He spoke of how he loved when bands would come splay his college back in the day, as well as how he would like to attempt to draw larger bands here to Drew. Since the school is located so close to New York City, it would be easy for bands to stop here the night before or after a show in the city.
The topic of the school's food problems brought out almost everyone's opinions. Weisbuch revealed that the administration is currently looking at 6 different food vendors. When he asked the audience if everyone hated the food, there was a resounding "YES" from almost everyone in attendance. It was brought up that perhaps the school shouldn't spend so much money on decorating the commons, and instead use that money to improve the food.
Very interestingly, the president revealed that he had bee toying with the idea of adding a possibly 24 hour convenient store on campus in which students could get "grab and go" food at all hours.
Many different students brought up various stories of unfulfilled work orders, and various other problems with technical aspects of the school. A student spoke of how the Holloway 3rd floor showers have been broken for the past four months. A work order was filed by both the floor RA and the building's RD before winter break. Another student spoke of how part of the Pub's roof had collapsed. It was not fixed for two whole semesters. President Weisbuch said that he was both "embarrassed and saddened" to know that this was going on. He spoke of trying to "fix the system."
The President also revealed that the school is heading towards a big capitol (fundraising) campaign.
It was good to see the president listening to what the students of this university had to say. He seemed to be actually interested no less. But as they say, the proof will be in the proverbial pudding.
What do you think? What should the school focus its attention on? Food? New dorms? Fixing the dorms we already have? Bringing famous bands here? Share your view!
1 comment:
I think it's great that Weisbuch is going around and actually seeing the dorms we have before he starts building new ones. As far as plans go though I can't help but be skeptical. He has brought up several ideas, including a Masters in Teaching for Drew and very few of them seem to have been accomplished. I think a 24 hour convenience store would be amazing though. Food when the Space decides to close early? Heavenly!
He has done some good on this campus, but aside from a few new pool tables, I haven't seen any concrete action recently. I recognize that these things take time, but why is he only planning on starting a fundraising campaign now? TK tripled Drew's endowment while he was here. The provost position was supposed to free up his time and focus on what Drew needs, and what Drew needs right now is money to impliment all his new ideas. Why is he waiting to start this project until halfway through the second semester?
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