I and the other would love to see others doodles, any student cans use the scanners in the computer lab in the basement of brothers college perhaps their will be a vote at the end to declare a winner.

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We want to emphasize that his blog does not have an agenda or a fixed point of view. No one post reflects this blog's view. If you find that a post's view differs from yours, let people know. Remeber that as long as a post follows the site rules there is no reason to delete it. Post a comment, or send in your own post in responce. This is a collegic enviorment remember that free speech entitles everyone to there own opinon.
P.S: Rembember To check out the old posts and read other comments
-Spooky D (The Administrator)
[about socialisum] I think we have the true religion. If only the crusade would take on more converts. But faith, like the faith they talk about in the churches, is ours and the goal is not unlike theirs, in that we want the same objectives but want it here on earth and not in the sky when we die. -Art Young
Here the tecnical Stuff:If you want to write a post, type it and email it to the thedrewnutcracker@gmail.com. If you want to include a photo attach it to the email. Submissions can be anonymous, contain a pen name or real name. Submission that are well constructed and relevant will then be posted. You will receive an email notifying that you email has been posted
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