Stories about Digital Right Management (DRM) have been starting to scare me. This technology has the potential to reek havoc on the already established digital network in this nation . For those of you who don't know what DRM is, its any software that limits the distribution of data. Existing DRM is being used on iTunes store as well as computer software. The software often has to connect to a remote third party server by means of the Internet in order to validate and regulate the use of encrypted data. The use of DRM scares me for three reasons
1. Corporate Control
Your Computer and what You do on it is now dependent on how the owner of the DRM protected software regulate their software, a position that could lead to infringement of our personal rights. The servers that run this nations infrastructure and the average personal computer could be and are dependent on corporate regulation of DRM. Me personally much rather have any organizations private or governmental control my actions on a computer even if it is to protect copy-right interests.
2. Loss Of Ownership
It is the very nature of DRM to have a third party enact controls on consumer goods, a process that could potentially lead to abuse of the technology in the future. The very basis of ownership is the right to use, move and manipulate a good. iTunes once again is a prime example, you pay money to get a song but you can only put it on iTunes and an iPod all the other mp3 players are shit out of luck. While not definite there is a big potential for negative repercussions of being manipulated by how corporations regulate DRM. Providers of DRM technology could assume control of products that have already entered the market place.
3. Security
A real world example of this was DRM software that Sony created for it high definition DVDs . When A DVD was inserted into a computer it opened a “secret” link to the internet to check that DVD was not being copied. While this process was not harmful to the computer it was discovered that the hidden link left a “gap” in antivirus software and that virus could enter and infect the afflicted computer, and while not harmful it was still an example of how this software chould e used to spy on the inccent masses.
Governmental and corporate ignorance about the digital age is no longer a form of protection. We the consumer, we the millennial’s need to educate our self so we don’t get burned by misinformation and give up digital rights we don’t even know we have.I am a full believer in copy-right protection but the fact of the matter is that this technology leaves the consumer wide open. DRM presents a major security risk for computer that contains the software. Over all consumers should be weary of DRM and consider the negative repercussions of its implantation.
-Spooky D
Cool article. I use rhapsody at Drew at that uses drm to give you access to the songs. While it would always be nice to own the music, the drm really isnt much of an inconvienance considering the price. For $15 you can download as many tracks as you could possibly want, to your mp3 player, and the only catch is, that you have to simply plug in your player and connect to rhapsody once every 30 days to ensure that your still paying them. I charge the player/put new songs on it every few days so its really not that big of a deal. There is always the option of buying an actual cd, and i sometimes do, but its just way more expensive to do so compared to the drm service.
reek? WREAK.
its? it's. ITS = POSSESSIVE, IT'S = IT IS.
chould e used to spy on the inccent masses. = SHOULD BE ... INNOCENT?
Just helping you "Try to spell check any post submission!"
*wreak havoc
*it's any software
*owner -> regulates
*nation's infrastructure
*"Me personally much rather" ..?
(Just read that whole sentence again, it's completely incoherent)
There are plenty of other mistakes in the rest of the article. No wonder you don't like The Acorn!
Get over spelling mistakes. Obviously you knew what he meant and THAT my friend, is the goal of communication.
Grammar is a formality.
lol. This is why this blog exists, because none of this crap could make it into The Acorn, anyway. Jesus.
Hey, im no fan of censoriing people, but those posts (probaly by the acorn) about the grammar are unnesessary and mean. Don't feel bad blocking those out. They're just trying to cause problems.
e.e.cummings has sold a few pieces without English annoyances...
Dear "Grammar is a formality,"
When the blog's rules request that you "Try to spell check any post submission!" that USUALLY does not exempt blog administrators. I think the admins should have to adhere to the rules just as much as anyone else, including proofing their own work, allowing themselves to look like EDUCATED COLLEGE STUDENTS. Isn't that the point?
-iron fist of grammar
The Rule you are citing says "Try to spell check any post submission" notice the word TRY which means attempt but not required. This blog will not deny someone’s voice because they can't "speak" proper. I agree the spelling and grammer are a formilty, it is the message conveyed that counts. It seem that you “Iron Fist” are try to convey a message that demeans my work because I chose to use the English lanuge in a way I choose, which by the way I do on purpose. I tell others my story with out being hindered. It is clear that readers (including you) knew what I was talking about.
By the way: Almost Every thing is spelled right it is just word choice and grammer that is an issue
By the way, I do sound educated the conent of the post connest to that. In addtion I will not censor any comment if it mean, it is the poster issue not mine. I whould like to see comment regaurding WHAT is said instead of how I said it
Spooky D should have his keyboard privileges revoked. What were you trying to say in your comments there, oh admin? I could barely understand your unintelligible babble.
I really do hope that the last poster does not work for the acorn, becuse surely this is not what the free press should stand for.
"keyboard privileges revoked"?
so, people who can't spell well or utilize english grammar perfectly shouldn't be allowed to express their views? should they have to carry passbooks and wear little cloth pens sewn onto all of their clothes too?
i think one of the best assets of the nutcracker is that it's uncensored. if someone's spelling or grammar inhibits you from understanding their thoughts, you can ask them to rephrase their ideas. i don't see any need for fascist keyboard regulation.
before you criticize someone's writing, stop and think about why you think their writing is inferior to your own and why that might be. maybe the other person struggles with dyslexia or finds it hard to remember "than/then" or "there/their" etc. maybe english is not their first language. maybe they come from a working class family where adults didn't have time to read to or study with them and their reading/writing skills suffered. maybe they choose to put forth their ideas without confining themselves by conforming to standard english. there are hundreds of possibilities, and none of them are grounds for their voice to be suppressed.
"there are hundreds of possibilities, and none of them are grounds for their voice to be suppressed."
But they suppress their own voices when they can't be understood! Just look at this: "Me personally much rather have any organizations private or governmental control my actions on a computer even if it is to protect copy-right interests." Not only does it read incoherently, but its actual meaning becomes so inscrutable as to make the reader not want to continue reading lest he encounter even more unintelligible sentences. Once the sentence has been mentally reconstructed by the reader, he has already lost interest. Or do you enjoy trying to piece together these strings of fragmented syntax?
The issue of grammar and spelling is about being authoritative and credible. If you want to be a successful and competitively alternate source of information on campus, you want (I'm assuming) readers to think that they can depend on your blog. Spelling grammar mistakes may seem petty and superfluous, but they certainly create a sense of naivety and ignorance within what one writes. When students bust their asses for a good portion of their college carreers writing papers for professors who take points off for grammar and spelling, you better believe that those same students are going to criticize you on your mistakes. It's about practicing what you preach. You want to be an important and authoritative voice on campus? Act like one.
This is not the age of Elizabethan Poetry when Shakespeare could spell however he pleased because there was no standardized spelling in the English language. Own up and write like a knowledgeable college student. I'm sure you are seeing as you took all this time to create such an innovative and unique blog that is, by the way, coming to be known as a competing force with the Acorn wether that was the intention or not.
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