2591 hits! Since this blog is dependent on your submissions, I was wondering what you the reader want to see on this blog. Do you think the blog needs? Perhaps a new look, a daily wikipedia article or even the scores of the last drew sports game These are all improvements that might make its way onto the blog. As A site admin I am always looking for good suggestions. So feel free to use this post as a place to submit your ideas or comment on the ones I have suggested. Just remember that your Idea may not make it to the blog. Keep those post submissons coming in, this site needs you!
- Thanks for reading, Spooky D

# Try to spell check any post submission
Maybe the admins should try to spellcheck as well. It's BULLETIN. And TECHNICAL. Thanks.
i think that posting weekly meeting times might be cool. For example (and these suggestions are COMPLETELY random) if you know when an SDS meeting is going to be held, or when a DEAL meeting is coming up; things like that. A list could be added to the side of the forum to serve as a reminder/plug/advertisement for groups. You could update it weekly or however often you hear of new things that are coming up.
possible example:
SDS Meeting - 7:00 Monday 4/2 @ Asbury Lounge
Deal Meeting - Wednesday 3/28, 5:30 in the WH lounge
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